Re: Multiple Outputs from XSLT and Sequence Splitting

Rui Lopes wrote:
> Alex Milowski wrote:
>> Problem: A user uses a stylesheet that produces more than one result
>>          document.  What is the output of an XSLT step?
>> I think the simplest answer is that you get a sequence of documents
>> from that step.
> What happens if the step is a pipeline (e.g. originated from a pipeline 
> library) with multiple p:declare-output declarations, therefore produces 
> more than one result document? Is it inferred from these declarations?

As Jeni pointed out, you can use a declare-output with a select
to handle the case where you want to convert a sequence it a particular
subsequence.  So, you can point those on each declare-output to
convert the sequence result of a contained step into particular
subsequences.  Otherwise, there is no inferred declaration other
than a mismatch.

So far, I think we've said that declare-outputs must be bound to
some source.  As such, you'd be able to inspect the pipeline to
understand what the output of the pipeline is derived from.

--Alex Milowski

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 14:33:19 UTC