Re: For-each question

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| I'd call this an error.  The for-each is like a mini-pipeline and
| needs to have that extra input declared:

Well, Jeni argued against that requirement.

| <p:for-each select="//chapter" ref="#valid/result" name="loop">
|     <p:declare-input port="#build-stylesheet/result"
|                      name="the-stylesheet"/>
|     <p:declare-output port="result" name="chapter-docs"/>
|     <p:step kind="transform" name="makehtml"/>
|       <p:input port="document" ref="#loop/#matched"/>
|       <!-- somehow we have to expose the matched regions as documents;
|            here I'm imagining that for-each always declares a magically
|            named input port which will be used for that purpose -->
|       <p:input port="stylesheet" ref="the-stylesheet"/>
|       <p:output port="result" ref="#loop/chapter-docs"/>
|     </p:step>
|   </p:for-each>

But even in this case, does each iteration get a copy of the whole
#build-stylesheet/result ne the-stylesheet document?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Sunday, 23 July 2006 15:02:24 UTC