Re: p:pipeline

/ Murray Maloney <> was heard to say:
| At 10:18 AM 7/20/2006 -0400, you wrote:
|           I suppose we could ditch the name attribute and simply use the
|      label in both places.
| How about keeping NAME and ditching LABEL? A named element in
| HTML can be referenced and de-referenced. Everybody understands this.
| Why should we use a different name for NAME?

Well, consider the step case. In steps, we have components that have
named inputs and named outputs. We want to associate a label with each
of those. (Or at least, with each of those outputs.)

If you want to use 'name' where I've used label, that's fine, but then
what do you want to use for name of the attribute that holds the name
of the component output?

Consider the 'foo' component that has a single output stream called

  <p:step kind="foo">
    <p:with-output XXX="output" name="mylabel"/>

  <p:step kind="foo">
    <p:with-output XXX="output" name="otherlabel"/>

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 14:59:24 UTC