Re: Requirements Document Update

>    Infoset Processing
>            At a minimum, an XML document is represented and manipulated as an
>            XML information set. The use of supersets, augmented information
>            sets, or data models that can be represented or conceptualized as
>            information sets should be allow, and in some instances,


>            encouraged (e.g. for the XPath 2.0 Data Model).
>    Straightforward Core Implementation
>            It should be relatively easy to implement a conforming
>            implementation of the language but it should also be possible to
>            build a sophisticated implementation that their own optimizations
>            and integrate with other technologies.

I can't parse that. Perhaps:

             It should be relatively easy to implement a conforming
             implementation of the language but it should also be
             possible to build a sophisticated implementation that
             supports optimizations and integrates with other

>    Arbitrary Components
>            The specifications should allow use of XML-in-XML-out components.


             The specification should allow arbitrary components that accept
             XML as input and produce XML as output to be used.

> 3 Terminology
>    [Definition: XML Pipeline]
>            An XML Pipeline is a conceptualization of a flow of a
>            configuration of steps and their parameters. The XML Pipeline
>            defines a process in terms of order, dependencies, or iteration of
>            steps over XML information sets.

Using "iteration" here presupposes that we've decided to support iteration.
I'm not sure we have.

>    [Definition: Specification Language]

s/Specification/Pipeline Specification/

>            A specification language is an XML vocabulary in which an XML
>            pipeline is described.
>    [Definition: Step]
>            A step is a specification of how a component is used in a pipeline
>            that includes inputs, outputs, and parameters.


             A step is a single stage in a pipeline, a single component with
             its associated inputs, outputs, and parameters.

>    [Definition: Component]
>            A component is an particular XML technology (e.g. XInclude, XML
>            Schema Validity Assessment, XSLT, XQuery, etc.).


             A component is an implementation of an XML technology
             (such as XInclude, XML Schema Validity Assessment, XSLT,
             XQuery, etc.). A component accepts zero or more inputs
             and parameters, performs some operation, and produces
             zero or more results.

>    [Definition: Component Vocabulary]
>            A component vocabulary is the set of XML elements that describe
>            the process by which an output is produced (e.g. an XSLT
>            transformation). This is typically codified in an W3C or RelaxNG
>            schema.

That doesn't really work for me, but I don't have a better suggestion
just at the moment.

>    [Definition: Pipeline Environment]
>            The technology environment in which the XML Pipeline is used (e.g.
>            command-line, web servers, editors, browsers, embedded
>            applications, etc.).


             The infrastructure that supports the evaluation of an XML
             Pipeline. This includes the nature of the application
             performing the process, (e.g. command-line, web servers,
             editors, browsers, embedded applications, etc.), language
             libraries, system and user settings, and other resources
             outside the scope of this specification.

We also need:

  [Definition: Pipeline Document]

        An XML document written in terms of a set of component vocabularies
        which describes an XML Pipeline.

> 4 Requirements
>   4.1 Allow Control Over Inputs and Outputs of Steps and XML Pipelines
>    The specification language must allow control over the input and output of
>    each step and the overall XML Pipeline At minimum, the characteristics of

s/At minimum/At a minimum/

>    these inputs and outputs must be described so that binding into particular
>    use environments can be accomplished by introspection. This may involve

s/use environments/pipeline environments/

s/introspection/inspecting the pipeline document/

>    the use of named infoset inputs and outputs.
>    Supporting use cases:
>      * 5.28 No Use Case
>    (source: [xml-core-wg])
>   4.2 Minimal and Loose Binding for Input and Output Specification
>    The XML Pipeline and Specification Language must provide mechanisms for
>    input and output processing options such as implicit input provided from
>    the user environment (e.g. a file specified on the command-line) and

s/user environment/pipeline environment/

>    direct reference by a URI value. It should be possible to enable batch

s/URI value./URI./

>    processing and facilitate re-use of an XML PIpeline in different Pipeline
>    Environments with different inputs or outputs.
>    Supporting use cases:
>      * 5.28 No Use Case
>    (source: [xml-core-wg])
>    (source: Rui Lopes)
>   4.3 Input Collection and Step Ordering
>    The XML Pipeline and Specification Language must provide mechanism for
>    exact ordering of the processing of inputs and exact ordering of steps
>    over a given input.
>    Supporting use cases:
>      * 5.28 No Use Case
>    (source: [xml-core-wg])
>   4.4 Multiple Input and Output Support
>    XML Pipelines should be allowed to have multiple inputs or outputs.
>    Supporting use cases:
>      * 5.6 XQuery and XSLT 2.0 Collections
>    (source: [xml-core-wg])
>    (source: Alessandro Vernet)
>   4.5 Allow Optimization
>    Neither the XML Pipeline nor the Specification Language should inhibit a


>    sophisticated implementation from performing parallel operations, lazy or
>    greedy processing, and other optimizations.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM / XML Standards Architect / Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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