Initial Draft of Requirements/Use Case Document


I've finished putting all the requirements and use cases into one
document.  I have not made the association between requirements
and their supporting use cases.

I've tried include all the sources for use cases and requirements
that have been posted to the list.  If I've forgotten anything,
please start a thread on the mailing list.

There is definitely overlap between some of these requirements
and use cases that will require some additional editing.  In that
sense, I think we've got the following tasks ahead of us:

1. What have I missed in what has already been said/e-mailed/etc. ?

2. Are there additional requirements supported by the current
    use cases or new use cases?

3. We need to refactor what is here to get rid of overlap.  I
    think a number of these use cases could be reduced to pointing
    to previous use case and enumerating a few key differences.

4. There is certainly overlap between some of the requirements.  Just
    getting them all in one document was a bit larger of a task than
    I thought.  In additional, all requirements need to point to
    supporting use cases.

--Alex Milowski

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 23:13:41 UTC