Re: Kinds of iteration

/ Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| I thought I'd try to summarize the different kinds of iteration that
| we've discussed.
| 1. Iteration over a sequence of elements...

I don't know if I want to be able to iterate over attributes, but I'd
like to be able to iterate over document, element, text, comment, and
PI nodes, I think.

|    1.a. ...identified via an XPath expression (selected from one or
|            more documents)

This is the "iterate over those things" case, right? Do stage1, stage2,
and stage3, for each of the things selected:

  <xproc:for-each select="some-expression-that-selects-nodes">

I guess the output from this construct is itself a sequence of nodes.

|    1.b. ...identified via an (XSLT) pattern (all elements matching the
|            pattern within one or more documents)

How is this one different in the pipeline case? And can it be implemented
by having a component that does the pattern matching? For example, imagine
that xproc:find-patterns takes some input and produces as output a sequence
of nodes that match the selected patterns:

    <xproc:select pattern="some-xslt-like-match-pattern"/>

Then if you want to iterate over those you can xproc:for-each over the
output from that component. Or have I missed the point in some
fundamental way?

| 2. Iteration over a sequence of documents...

I think I concur with Richard. I'd like to see this as just a special case
of iterating over nodes.

|    2.a. ...generated by an upstream process, such as an XQuery whose
|            result is a sequence of document nodes

If a component can produce a sequence of nodes, this is straightforward.

|    2.b. ...identified within an XML document, such as an index that
|            lists the URLs of other XML documents

So this could be implemented with a component that identified the terms
in the index and returned the sequence of nodes.

|    2.c. ...created as new documents with document elements identified
|            via 1 above

I'm not sure how the XPath expressoin can create new documents...

| Some thoughts:
| The distinction between 1 and 2.c is important because the context of
| the element is lost when you copy an element into a new document: both
| its ancestors and its base URI are different. XSLT expects an "initial
| context node", which can be any node kind, not only a document (and
| not only an element), and given that XSLT is one of the main kinds of
| component we probably want to support that (in the Processing Model if
| not the Processing Language).
| If we support 2.a, we don't necessarily have to have a construct in
| the Processing Language for 2.b or 2.c: it's easy to write a process
| (in XQuery or XSLT, for example) that does 2.b or 2.c. (Again, we have
| the tension between putting control structures in the pipeline
| language and putting them into the processes themselves.)


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM / XML Standards Architect / Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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