- From: Norman Walsh <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM>
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:28:31 -0500
- To: public-xml-processing-model-wg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <87d56fiqa8.fsf@nwalsh.com>
See http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2006/12/14-minutes.html W3C[1] - DRAFT - XML Processing Model WG Meeting 47, 14 Dec 2006 Agenda[2] Attendees Present Norm, Richard, Henry, Paul, Mohamed, Rui, Alex, Andrew, Michael Regrets None Chair Norm Scribe Norm Contents * Topics 1. Accept this agenda? 2. Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 3. Next meeting: telcon 21 Dec 2006? 4. Standard components * Summary of Action Items ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Accept this agenda? -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2006/12/14-agenda.html Norm: I'd like to ask a few questions about last week Accepted. Accept minutes from the previous meeting? -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2006/12/07-minutes.html Accepted. Next meeting: telcon 21 Dec 2006? Any regrets? None given. Norm: Regarding the nested input/output/parameter story. -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2006Nov/0081.html Norm: Was there any discussion of the fact that there seem to be some wrappers missing in Murray's proposal? ... e.g., he shows p:internal directly as a child of p:when. Moz: On the p:when element, there is only one interal input for testing. Alex: I see what you mean. Henry: I think Murray just moved the attributes down into one of the three elements. Norm: I find that exceptionally unsatisfying, am I alone? Henry: No, I hadn't thought it through. Norm: If Murray arrives, I'll ask him, otherwise the editor will do his best. Henry: We'll have to give a fixed name to the XPath input, as we do for the iterator input. Some discussion of the for-each and viewport case Nevermind. Here's a for-each: <p:for-each name="chapters" select="//chapter"> <p:input port="source" href="http://example.org/docbook.xml[6]"/> <p:output port="html" step="xform-to-html source="result"/> <p:output port="fo" step="xform-to-fo" source="result"/> <p:step name="xform-to-fo" type="p:xslt"> <p:input name="source" step="chapters" source="current"/> <p:input name="stylesheet" href="fo/docbook.xsl"/> </p:step> <p:step name="xform-to-html" type="p:xslt"> <p:input name="source" step="chapters" source="current"/> <p:input name="stylesheet" href="html/docbook.xsl"/> </p:step> </p:for-each> Richard: The point is that there's no p:input with name='current' there. Norm: Right. Henry: We could roll-back our decision about when/choose and say that we make an analgous requirement. ... That there must be an input whose port is test. ... Just as for-each has an implicit signature that says you have to bind something to 'source', choose/when could say you have to bind something to a 'test' port. <MSM> [Er, Norm, is your example tied to a change in the definition of the scope rules?] Michael: Scope rules in the current draft don't allow the names of the outputs to be seen by the steps. Henry: What Michael believes is that the outputs of the steps are not available for the outputs of the for-each ot refer to. Norm quotes the draft to the contrary. Richard: I'm a little unsure about how this works for choose. ... It seems like there needs to be some virtual output. ... I don't think there's a serious problem here, I'm just a little unhappy with the wording. ... It's not the outputs, its the set of names Norm: Right. I've changed the context to be explict about the fact that these are names. Standard components The current draft says: identity, xslt, xinclude, serialize, parse, load, and store are all standard components. Norm: Any others? MoZ: Validate Michael: With some language or any language? Mohamed: I think that needs to be discussed. Norm: I thought may be we needed that one too, then I thought maybe that was setting awfully high. Richard: For XSD, RNG, and Schematron would certainly set the bar awfully high. ... Only one might be ok, but it would have to be XSD Norm: The XSLT 2 processor doesn't require validation Alex: Right, I think it has to be optional. Richard: A virtual validate component to which you could provide a set of schemas in any languages and it could do one. Norm: Let's not. Michael: No one has mentioned DTDs. Richard: I didn't include them because of few systems that allow you to do DTD validation once you have an infoset. Mohamed: What about putting this on the load component? Henry: Can you get any guarantees about external entities, for example. ... I'd like to put a marker down to say that you might like to be able to request/require DTD validation on the way in. Richard: Coming back to a validate component, one alternative would be to allow the author to say that an identity transform is done if a component is unavailable. <MSM> [Richard: good point. I know of one, but only one, namely xmllib -- at least, it has a way of validating on a tree, according to its options list] Alex: I wonder if some of the stuff with validate points to the need to have some sort of require statement for components. Richard: I would expect it to work the other way around by default, to fail if a component is not available. ... I'd prefer that we had more explicit processing mechanisms rather than implicit ones. ... Murray wants fallback for unavailable hrefs. Norm: I don't want any of this complexity for V1!!! <MSM> [Is fallback-to-alternate data stream really the same as fallback-to-alternative-subpipeline ?] Alex: We have a requirement to fallback from, for example, XSLT 2 to XSLT 1 Richard: In C, you have cpp that is often implemented as a separate program. ... We could do this with a pipeline that runs on your pipeline. Alex: I think it's reasonable to point out that there are lots of ways to run a pipeline, for V1 maybe we don't need to do more than let the application deal with it. <Zakim> MSM, you wanted to ask (after this discussion dies off) what we will use to drive ourselves to work out how type annotations work in pipelines, if XSD validation is not a required Michael: I'd like it if we had a mechanism to assure that we have a coherent story about type annotations. The one thing that worries me about making validation components completely optional is that it provides a convenient loophole to slip through and fail to that thinking. Norm: I think we've already avoided that question. ... by saying that what flows between components is up to the application Norm observes that this was a question at the XML 2006 panel <alexmilowski> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2006Nov/att-0042/standard-components.html[7] Norm: Anyone else have any required components to nominate? Henry: At the risk of opening a difficult topic, we already have the load component on the list. ... that's what we need to deal with external inputs. ... but I don't think we have the here component. ... We've previously discussed the idea that all inputs are from pipes. ... We have a story for inputs from other components and hrefs, but not for "here" documents. Alex: I don't understand how what we have doesn't suffice. Henry: The same argument would go for the load component. Alex: I kind of agree with you. But other people want to be able to load things specified by parameters. Norm attempts to summarize the situation Alex: I think we have lots of bases covered, I'd rather get rid of the load component completely. <ht> I'd much rather have both than neither, independently of whether we express the semantics in terms of them or not Alex: I'm reluctant to add more core components unless we find that there's something missing <ht> I think the arguments for a 'here' component is similar to the one for 'load' -- you want to say something once that you plan to use in several places Richard: Maybe I've missed something. The Load component does something that the input element can't do; so it's more general. ... If you wanted to be able to do that, then it makes sense to define the ordinary input in terms of that component. <ht> scribenick: ht <MSM> [Me notes a terminological issue: anyone with the name of the QT 'serialization' spec in their head will expect the serialization component to do what the store component does. I don't think I have an alternative, though.] RT: We shouldn't define the semantics of URI reference twice -- we should define input/@href in terms of the 'load' component AM: Disagree strongly, we should define each of them where they are, making input/@href depend for its meaning on 'load' is possible, but will just confuse people ... We could do it the other way, that is, define 'load' in terms of input/@href RT: But you can specify the URI via a parameter to 'load' AM: I'm talking about the eventual result semantics HST: I prefer having both components to neither AM: How is it different from identity? HST: Oops, right, if it has its own syntax it has to be a primitive not a component RT: Isn't the 'parse' component what we're talking about? AM: No, it's input is a single element containing a string to be parsed ... There's a separate discussion about load/store vs. parse/serialize, for ATOM HST: Or NEWSML NW: Please start that thread AM: I'm done with that, not the right person to start the thread NW: OK, I will do that RT: I don't dislike the component, but I'd like to retain the wrapping element. . . ... There's the issue of the brokenness of lots of quoted XML NW: That's why I'm not a supporter of this AM: Summarises [scribe missed the three points] NW: Also, what are the microcomponents <alexmilowski> 1. the "here" construct <alexmilowski> 2. whether parser/serialize should be core <alexmilowski> 3. how parse/serialize should work Summary of Action Items [End of minutes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] http://www.w3.org/ [2] http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2006/12/14-agenda.html [6] http://example.org/docbook.xml [7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2006Nov/att-0042/standard-components.html [8] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [9] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/ Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl[8] version 1.127 (CVS log[9]) $Date: 2006/12/19 20:22:58 $
Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 20:24:45 UTC