ED-xproc-20060821 select on p:param

Section 4.2.6 says 

  A p:param associates a particular value with a parameter.

       name = QName
       select? = xpath expression />

  The specified XPath expression is evaluated and its string value
  becomes the value of the parameter.

But it does identify the context of the select expression. Does p:param
allow href|step,source|content for the purpose of setting the context?

If so, then that's another arc in the graph. Some folks at the f2f
were concerned about having params turn into arcs in the graph (viz in
the context of allowing parameters to be documents).

If not, then how is the context specified?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 14:19:12 UTC