Re: Alternative to x!y (proposal)

/ Richard Tobin <> was heard to say:
|> It sounds to me like consensus is moving towards using two attributes.
|> I propose @step and @source:
|>   <p:input port="document" step="prevstep" source="result"/>
|> Or maybe 'fromstep' would be better.
| I would go for "from-step" and "from-port".
|> Anyway, I'm assuming that the
|> step attribute, whatever it's called, will eventually be defaulted
|> away in most cases.
| I found the two-attribute form to be annoyingly verbose, but it does

I find it verbose, and on the edge of being annoyingly so, hence my
desire to keep the names short and somewhat simple :-)

But if consensus forms around from-step and from-port, I won't

| have the advantage that either or both of the attributes could be
| defaulted (the default step would be the lexically preceding one,
| and the default port the "primary output" port of the step).


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Friday, 25 August 2006 15:11:23 UTC