Re: Spec progress


A lot of good points in the document ....and a lot of points which raise
some questions, but I keep them for telcon

So for the moment, few remarks

==  Small typos ==
3.5 in Note : gaurantee and avialable
4.1 : statisified
4.2.1 (two occurences) : <p:input port="document"
source="****chose***-result!document"/>, did you say error-prone ;-)
4.2.2 : It is a *static
* ***two***

5.2 : propogates

== Group ==
I was surprised to see that p:group is not in the list of core language

== Before, Ancestor, and al. ==
4.1.1 "Specified by source"
<<an output port of some other step>> : Is it a will to let this sentense so
vague ?
Couldn't is better be <<an output port of some *before* step>>.
You use later in the same paragraph <<ancestor steps>> which is most

<<If a *by source<>
* binding is used, the port selected must be an output port on an step which
is not a descendant of the step on which the p:declare-input appears or it
must be a port declared with p:declare-output on some ancestor of the step>>
You say "not a descendant" a step which appear later in the document
is ok ?
Again "on some ancestor" troubles me, because steps are siblings...


On 8/21/06, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
> | Good work! I know we want to get this out the door, so I've tried to
> | limit myself to editorial comments. Feel free to ignore those that
> | aren't.
> Thanks, Jeni. I've addressed all of these, I think, except those that
> became inapplicable when I reorganized a bunch of material :-)
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norman Walsh
> XML Standards Architect
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 10:33:58 UTC