- From: Alex Milowski <alex@milowski.org>
- Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 12:41:06 -0700
- To: public-xml-processing-model-wg <public-xml-processing-model-wg@w3.org>
1. Extension elements/attributes: * proposal (norm): Elements and attributes that are not in the xproc namespace or standard are gracefully ignored. * suggestion (Jeni) "must understand" attribute that means if you don't understand, don't run my pipeline. * Murray: if you understand other elements and attributes, you can use them. * Richard: Other than documentation, what are the other use cases? * Norm: take as a first measure: "they are ignored". If I don't understand the element/attribute, ignore it. Consensus: You ignore elements and attributes that you don't understand. Note: You can put extension elements into a when and then use the choose to detect that that extension element isn't available. 2. Declaring extensions components Proposal: This can occur in a pipeline library: <declare-component name=""> <declare-input .../>* <declare-output .../>* <declare-parameter ../>* </declare-component> Alex: It would be inconvenient if you want to write a pipeline that uses a custom component and no pipeline library but you have to then put it in a separate document. 3. Serialization control * Action: Alex will write a proposal. 4. Documentation * Option 1: Documentation is an extension element so we don't have to do anything. * Option 2: We provide a special element for embedding documentation. Straw poll: Is anyone opposed to having a documentation element? No objections (there was some mumbling). Henry: Here document elements may not have documentation elements. Jeni: Here documents should be able to have multiple elements to represent sequences. Norm: Don't now how to interpret: <input ...> <doc/> <!-- x --> <?x?> <doc/> </input> Henry: Allowing documentation anywhere seems like the right answer here. Murray: Writing content models that say documentation is allowed here is not impossible. Alex: Documentation could have a ref to an id of the subject of the documentation. Murray: Suggestion: Let Norm look at this when writing the draft and come up with a solution. 5. Error behavior: * Case 1: Component failure: The pipeline always has to produce output even in the case of errors. The pipeline has to recover gracefully and still produce output in the case of component failure. Example: A step uses a URL that doesn't exist and it gets a 404 Jeni: All components have an error output. Alex: Error recovery is almost like a choose where the test on one branch is "everything succeeded" and the other is the failure. The output signature is the same. Jeni: Do we have to introduce new constructs? Question: What information is available in the recovery? Henry: The primary input to recovery branch is the error output from the failure. Richard: Must be a special construct. Like a conditional but has the same outputs. There must not be things that have outputs and produce no outputs. Murray: There are processes where there is no end to the output. Alex: You can use viewport along with a trap construct to process the the stream. Norm: If you have errors, do you get any output from the trap? Alex: No. Trap is like a gate. It waits till all the outputs are done before the output is let out. We will have to spend some time thinking about how the failed component communicates with the outside world. Richard: The trap construct has two sequences... (confusion amassed). Example: <try> <somewrapper ...> <declare-output port="foo" ref="x!y"/> <step>...</step> ... </somewrapper> <catch> <declare-output port="foo" ref="a!b"/> <step>...</step> </catch> </try> There was some discussion for alternatives to group. Alex: What can be caught? Is it only component errors or pipeline-level dynamic errors? Norm: We are probably going to say that processor error handling is implementation defined. Richard: Components should produce errors on their output. Alex: We could just have an stderr that we can access inside a catch--much like the error port on components as suggested by Jeni. Inside a catch, you can use this to get the error information from the component. Henry: There is a difference between errors and failures. ... there are a number of components where non-failure XML is going to appear on the error port. Jeni: You can get various kinds of errors from XSLT (e.g. static, compile time, messages, dynamic errors). Such a component has a number of error ports that could be named. You could label these as error ports and have them go to the bit bucket. Richard: I propose you have an output port that can be marked as optional. 1. Allow output ports be able to be marked as optional. 2. Allow a distinguished required error output port. 3. The try/catch mechanism provides a straight-forward way to hook up to the error port. Henry: ... that port is a must-consume and is a run-time must-consume. If anything occurs on that port, then the pipeline fail. *: No, some implementations may do that but that isn't required. Murray: We need to define a component to handle stderr Richard: Why do we need a component? Those errors come output on the error port... Norm: (pretty robot diagram excluded) * all the components have a stderr output and they are all connected to the pipeline's stderr output. * form the spec point of view, our job is done when we specify the output of the pipeline. Implementations define what to do with those outputs when the pipeline is executed. Proposal: 1. We will have a try/catch construct. 2. Should outputs be allowed to not be hooked up and "pour out onto the floor"? - marginal preference for pouring onto the floor... - objections: none 3. Should components be able to declare that an output is not required to be used? - yes 4. All components will have a error output port. - yes 5. The error port is available in the catch 6. The "floor" is implementation defined. 7. Other documents produced on error ports will flow out of the stderr port of the pipeline. 8. The error input on the catch contains the sequence of documents on the error port from the component that failed. Example: <try> <declare-output port="out"/> <somewrapper> <choose> <when test="/foo" ref="x!y"> </when> <when test="/foo2" ref="x!y"> </when> <otherwise> </otherwise> </choose> </somewrapper> <catch> <declare-output port="out"/> ... </catch> </try> It would be good for the error XML to indicate: * the name of the step * an indication of whether it was that step that "died" 6. Standard Components Defining aggregation: Two possible definitions: 1. Multiple sequences of documents in and a single sequence on a single output port. 2. Multiple documents on separate ports and a single document on a single output port. 3. Sequence of documents on multiple ports and a single document out. 4. etc. default="undefined" Norm: I want the order to be implementation defined. Need two components: 1. Sequence Aggregation: <declare-component name="sequence-aggregate"> <declare-input port="*" sequence="yes"/> <declare-output port="result" sequence="yes"/> <declare-parameter name="order" default="undefined"/> </declare-component> Aggregates all the input sequences into one sequence of documents. 2. Document Aggregation <declare-component name="document-aggregate"> <declare-input port="*" sequence="yes"/> <declare-output port="result" sequence="no"/> <declare-parameter name="sequence-wrapper"/> <declare-parameter name="doc-wrapper"/> <declare-parameter name="row-wrapper"/> <declare-parameter name="order" default="undefined"/> <declare-parameter name="transpose"/> </declare-component> Aggregates all the input documents into a single document output whose document element is the name specified in 'doc-wrapper'. The rest of the parameters are TBD. Identity Component <declare-component name="identity"> <declare-input port="input" sequence="yes"/> <declare-output port="result" sequence="yes"/> </declare-component> Select Component ("Dis-aggregate"): <declare-component name="select"> <declare-input port="input" sequence="yes"/> <declare=output port="result sequence="yes"/> <declare-parameter name="xpath" required="yes"/> </declare-component> Applies the xpath to all the input documents and returns a sequence of documents--one for each matching element. The XPath has to identify an element or document node. The "document" component Receives two inputs and always replicates the one of the inputs as its output. <pipeline name="document"> <declare-input input="null"/> <declare-input input="always"/> <declare-output ref="document!always"/> </pipeline> -- --Alex Milowski
Received on Sunday, 6 August 2006 19:49:33 UTC