Re: A side-effect example

Norman Walsh wrote:
> | In the third example, the same step is shared amongst three append
> | steps.  Here we have to decide on whether there is *caching* of results,
> | separate invocations, or user control of either behavior.
> No, I disagree. In this example, the timestamp component has three
> outputs. What those outputs are is the responsibility of the
> component. If timestamp has only one output, then you need additional
> p:tee components in there to make the pipeline sensible.

OK.  Depends on how you interpret the drawing:

    1. One output used three times.
    2. Three outputs.

I was thinking (1) when I drew it but I can see how (2) can be 
interpreted from the graph.

--Alex Milowski

Received on Thursday, 27 April 2006 05:14:01 UTC