[xproc/specification] ca0c42: Attempt to clarify p:load

  Branch: refs/heads/xproc20
  Home:   https://github.com/xproc/specification
  Commit: ca0c4256201ef0051796092d9481a6d8c1458e0d
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-03-19 (Thu, 19 Mar 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml

  Log Message:
  Attempt to clarify p:load

  Commit: 7b489c0073da4824983b03bb83c9d925a199e60f
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-03-20 (Fri, 20 Mar 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/schemas/xproc.rnc

  Log Message:
  Rename content-type option on p:document to override-content-type

  Commit: 94fe24a1a3dfb81b3a4cf2e3c32c9d965557dd09
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-03-20 (Fri, 20 Mar 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml
    M langspec/xproc20/xproc20.xml

  Log Message:
  Harmonize p:document with p:load

  Commit: 7f03a95c54cef4e50a919f142784eb9de5977e12
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-03-26 (Thu, 26 Mar 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml

  Log Message:
  More reworking of p:document, p:load, and p:http-request

  Commit: a654e3facdd78a0719e70666abc192913df13526
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-03-26 (Thu, 26 Mar 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml

  Log Message:
  Added filename globbing section; rough.

  Commit: 0dc5ad0db747f3d3b59b7d74f0bf0179aa1c8989
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-06-06 (Sat, 06 Jun 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M README.md

  Log Message:
  Merge branch 'xproc20' into clarify-load

  Commit: 8e00bedba067ee275f21617888596c87d2fd6db1
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-06-10 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml

  Log Message:
  Editorial changes proposed by the WG

  Commit: af8ea5a12ebfe10a464f1cf9904c375c19f9b706
  Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
  Date:   2015-06-10 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015)

  Changed paths:
    M langspec/schemas/xproc.rnc
    M langspec/xproc20-steps/steps.xml
    M langspec/xproc20/xproc20.xml

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #174 from ndw/clarify-load

Clarify load

Compare: https://github.com/xproc/specification/compare/ca6526c5982f...af8ea5a12ebf

Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 11:26:48 UTC