Re: ease of use proposal - adding 'from' attribute to step to define connection

On 26.11.2014 20:13, James Fuller wrote:
> Its an interesting thought  (FWIW- originally I also was toying with
> things like mystep#result so its nice to here confirmation from a 2nd
> pair of eyes).
> I also like result@mystep ... and from my pov still fits in with the
> scope of change being discussed.

I like result@mystep, too, and I think we can shortcut even further. We 
have a significant number of steps where an input port connects to 
multiple output ports.

In a typical project, I found 35 out of 443 input connections and 2 out 
of 171 output declarations that had multiple p:pipe children.

I don’t see what keeps us from turning the multiple pipes into 
space-separated port@step tokens within a @from attribute:

<p:input port="meta">
   <p:pipe port="result" step="select-edition-meta"/>
   <p:pipe port="result" step="meta"/>
<p:input port="meta" from="result@select-edition-meta result@meta"/>

<p:output port="report" sequence="true">
   <p:pipe port="report" step="test-suite"/>
   <p:pipe port="report" step="regular-ebooks-iteration"/>
<p:output port="report" from="report@test-suite 

with a tacit sequence="true" if there are multiple tokens in @from or if 
there are multiple p:pipe children. (?)


Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 20:59:07 UTC