RE: Document Templating Steps updated

>   Congrats!  That's going to be a very useful step!  Especially
> the fact that nodes are not atomized when the expression appears
> within element content.  By the way, how are handled whitespaces
> in the following template?:
>     <p:document-template>
>        <p:input port="template">
>           <p:inline>
>              <root> {
>                 /some/sub/tree
>              }
>              </root>
>           </p:inline>
>        </p:input>
>        ...
>     </p:document-template>
>   Is there a text node with one space right after the opening
> root tag, and a text node with one linefeed and whitespaces right
> before the closing root tag?

In our implementation, you will get a text node (single space) before the result of the expression, and a text node (linefeed + spaces) after the result of the expression. The whitespace inside {} will be ignored.


Vojtech Toman
Consultant Software Engineer
EMC | Information Intelligence Group

Received on Monday, 20 December 2010 09:03:37 UTC