Re: top-level?

"Henry S. Thompson" <> writes:
> Norman Walsh writes:
>> . . .
>> Proposal 2: The version attribute is required on top-level
>> p:pipeline, p:declare-step, and p:library elements.
>> The current XProc specification defines the semantics of
>> version "1.0".
> I hope you mean 'document element'. 

Yes, that's what I meant.

> It seems . . . overkill to
> require version attributes on each declare-step in a library, which
> are, I think, what XSLT and XML Schema would call 'top-level'.

It would. But I'm not forbidding that.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | All our foes are mortal.--Paul Valéry            | 

Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 21:11:55 UTC