Re: Runtime semantics of p:try

"" <> writes:
> It probably just boils down to what "to occur" means. I understood it as
> "to simply appear somewhere in the pipeline". In that context, the
> following pipeline would be problematic:
> <p:choose>
>   <p:when test="false()">
>     <p:identity name="id1"/>
>   </p:when>
>   <p:otherwise>
>     <p:identity name="id2"/>
>   </p:otherwise>
> </p:choose>
> The step "id1" occurs in the pipeline, but the processor can never
> evaluate it.
> But if "to occur" relates to encountering the step while evaluating the
> pipeline, then the spec is right.

Ah. The latter was intended. I can't immediately think of an
improvement that doens't amount to writing a "pipeline must behave as
if it evaluated each step each time it is evaluated" which seems, uh,

Drop the sentence entirely?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A man must have grown old and lived            | long in order to see how short life
                              | is.-- Schopenhauer

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2009 12:15:36 UTC