[closed] Re: p:choose/p:xpath-context question

"Toman_Vojtech@emc.com" <Toman_Vojtech@emc.com> writes:
> In the example above, p:xpath-context *appears* in p:when, but *has no
> binding*. In our current implementation, this will result in a binding
> to the current default readable port (result of "identity" in this
> case). Is this the correct/expected behavior?

Per the minutes of 10 Sep, it is an error to leave the p:xpath-context
element empty. If you use it, you must specify a binding explicitly.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Noble patterns must be fetched here and
http://nwalsh.com/            | there from single persons, rather than
                              | whole nations, and from all nations,
                              | rather than any one.--Sir Thomas Browne

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2009 14:55:40 UTC