Re: Output port may be connected to...

"" <> writes:

> The latest Editor's Draft says, in section 2.2, that:
> The declared outputs of a step may be connected to:
> * The input port of some other step.
> * The XPath context for some other step (e.g., in a p:choose or in an
> option or parameter binding).
> * One of the outputs declared on its container.
> I think the second bullet is misleading because it does not cover all
> cases. In addition to the XPath context, the output port may be
> connected also to p:iteration-source and p:viewport-source (...and I
> think that's it - or is there anything else left?).

Per the minutes of 17 Sep, I've tried to resolve this:

  The declared outputs of a step may be connected to:

    * The input port of some other step (including p:iteration-source
      or p:viewport-source).
    * The p:xpath-context of a p:choose or p:when.
    * The binding of a p:with-option or p:with-param.
    * One of the outputs declared on its container.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Throughout history the world has been            | laid waste to ensure the triumph of
                              | conceptions that are now as dead as the
                              | men that died for them.--Henry De
                              | Montherlant

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2009 14:50:27 UTC