p:exec - path separators

Hi all,

I have a question about p:exec. Section 7.2.1 says:

"If the command or cwd options contain any '/' or '\' characters, they
will be replaced with the platform-specific path separator character. If
the fix-slashes option is true, this fixup will be applied to args as

What if I get totally crazy and put the executable in a directory that
has a backshlash in the name in a *nix like OS? Replacing of path
separators may break things in that case.


Also, how does the 'fix-slashes' option work with this:

<p:exec args="snake='\/\/\/\O<'">...</p:exec>

Does this 'fix' the slashes in the escaped argument value?


Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 16:32:41 UTC