Section 5.11 unnecessary complex?

Section 5.11 (p:pipe) says:

"In all cases except the p:output of a compound step, it is a static
error (err:XS0022) if the port identified by a p:pipe is not in the
readable ports of the step that contains the p:pipe.

A p:pipe that is a binding for an p:output of a compound step may
connect to one of the readable ports of the compound step or to an
output port on one of the compound step's contained steps. In other
words, the output of a compound step can simply be a copy of one of the
available inputs or it can be the output of one of its children."

Is the "except the p:output of a compound" phrase, as well as the second
paragraph really necessary? I thin kit all follows from the definition
of the inherited environment.

Or was the intent just to be more explicit about this, so that is clear
what compound steps can connect to?


Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2009 15:54:34 UTC