[closed] Re: p:http-request: authentication concerns

Florent Georges <fgeorges@fgeorges.org> writes:
>   It seems too restrictive to me, as other authentication methods
> than RFC 2617 can be used.  The text later says:
>     The interpretation of auth-method values on c:request other
>     than “Basic” or “Digest” is implementation-defined.
> but it is not clear IMHO whether the implementation-defined
> behaviour must be kept within the scope of RFC 2617.  I guess
> something like the following would be more clear:
>     If the username attribute is specified, the username,
>     password, auth-method, and send-authorization attributes are
>     used to handle authentication, depending on the chosen
>     authentication method.
>     [...]
>     If the authentication method is either "basic" or "digest",
>     authentication is handled as per [RFC 2617].

At the 17 Dec 2009 telcon, the WG agreed substantially with your
request and plans to make the changes you suggest.

>   Furthermore, it is not said that the value of auth-method is
> case-insensitive (which I guess is the intention).

As far as I can tell, the values specified by RFC2617 *are*

>   Last but not least, shouldn't we reserve the method "token" for
> the standardization-in-progress "HTTP Authentication: Token
> Access Authentication", the IETF standardization of the popular
> (and couting) OAuth method:
> http://xml.coverpages.org/draft-hammer-http-token-auth-00.txt

Not before that spec is finished.

Please let us know if you're unsatisfied by these resolutions.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Not to be absolutely certain is, I
http://nwalsh.com/            | think, one of the essential things in
                              | rationality.--Bertrand Russell

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2009 17:10:23 UTC