Re: HTTP redirects: MUST follow?

Florent Georges <> writes:
>   I've seen the last editor draft has added a few words about
> redirects for http-request:
> Redirects
>     The p:http-request step must follow redirect requests (3xx
>     status codes) if they are returned by the server.
>   But from the top of my head, I think the HTTP spec carefully
> use MUST, SHOULD, MUST NOT, etc. to qualify whether a client
> should follow or not a redirect.  I think for instance that a
> client cannot follow a redirect in response to a POST or a PUT,
> if I am right.
>   Clearly, having a uniform redirect-following policy on every
> implementations would be nice, but I wonder if the above sentence
> is really helpful for that purpose.

I've updated that section, changing the requirement to a SHOULD and
making explicit reference to HTTP semantics. Please let me know if you
are unhappy with this resolution.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Don't despair, not even over the fact            | that you don't despair.-- Kafka

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 18:06:11 UTC