Re: exclude-inline-prefixes - what does it actually do? writes:
> I think I am just confused about what exclude-inline-prefixes actually
> does. I see two possible answers.
> 1. For all excluded namespace URIs (represented by the prefixes in the
> list), remove all bindings to these namespace URIs. In other words,
> bindings for *all* prefixes that are bound to these namespace URIs will
> be removed.


> 2. For all prefixes specified in exclude-inline-prefixes, remove their
> bindings. That means that other prefixes that are bound to the same
> namespace URIs may be preserved.


> I have implemented option 2, but now it seems to me that 1 is the
> supposed behavior.

Yes. Just like exclude-result-prefixes in XSLT.

> Also for the '#default' prefix, what is the behavior in the following
> example:
> <p:declare-step xmlns:p=""
> exclude-inline-prefixes="#default" xmlns="">
>   <p:output port="result"/>
>   <p:identity xmlns="">
>     <p:input port="source">
>       <p:inline><doc/></p:inline>
>     </p:input>
>   </p:identity>
> </p:declare-step>
> 1. will be excluded (so that the result will be <doc
> xmlns=""/>)
> 2. will be excluded (so that the result will be <doc
> xmlns=""/>)
> I think that 1 is correct, but I am not sure.

Option 1 is correct.

> And finally, is it correct that exclude-inline-prefixes="pfx #default
> #all" is the same as exclude-inline-prefixes="#all"?

I think so. But I realize I haven't implemented #default and #all, so
I'll need to check the spec :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | It is necessary to try to surpass            | oneself always; this occupation ought
                              | to last as long as life.--Christina,
                              | Queen of Sweden

Received on Friday, 28 November 2008 20:47:07 UTC