Re: Results in the "xproc-step" namespace writes:
> We have a number of custom XProc steps, some of which use c:result in
> the output document. Now I am thinking that the
> "" namespace is maybe meant only to be
> used with the standard steps, and not with custom steps. I am wondering
> whether what we are doing right now is actually correct...

I was thinking about this too, just yesterday, see pxp:unzip in:

> So, say you are implementing a custom step that needs to return a URI
> string (such as in the case of p:store), what is the best thing to do:
> 1. Use c:result as much as possible to promote consistency
> 2. Don't use c:result at all (because it can be used only with standard
> steps) and invent your own vocabulary
> 3. It doesn't matter

I think, on the whole, it will be easier for users if we say it's ok
for extension steps to produce results in the "c:" namespace.

The alternative just means that users have to declare yet another
namespace and remember that some steps produce results in c: and
others in d:

> If any of the options is preferred over the others, do we need to say
> anything about it in the spec?

I suppose we could say something. What do others think?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | In great affairs men show themselves as            | they wish to be seen, in small things
                              | they show themselves as they are.--
                              | Chamfort

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2008 15:24:02 UTC