[closed] Re: p:namespace-rename question

mozer <xmlizer@gmail.com> writes:

> In that case you can do it by doing this in two steps (I know it's hairy but...)
> <p:namespace-rename from="A" to="B"/>
> <p:namespace-rename from="B" to="A" elements-only="true"/>
> which will have side effects  if there is already elements in namespace B
> or we can indeed change the attribute to
> "apply-to" that could have "all" (default), "elements-only", "attributes-only"

The WG considered this issue and agreed to resolve it as proposed.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The best people usually owe their
http://nwalsh.com/            | excellence to a combination of
                              | qualities which might have been
                              | supposed incompatible.--Bertrand Russell

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 18:14:49 UTC