[closed] Re: PSVI - err:XD0022 vs. err:XD0023

Toman_Vojtech@emc.com writes:

> What is the difference between err:XD0022:
> "It is a dynamic error if a pipeline attempts to evaluate a step where
> the psvi-required attribute is true and the processor does not support
> passing PSVI annotations between steps."
> And err:XD0023:
> "It is a dynamic error if a processor that does not support PSVI
> annotations attempts to invoke a step which asserts that they are
> required."
> They seem to be the same to me.

They are. I updated the Declaring Pipelines section to point to the
PSVIs in XProc section, removed D0022, and renamed what was D0023
to D0022.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | He who seeks happiness for himself by
http://nwalsh.com/            | making others unhappy is bound in the
                              | chains of hate and from those he cannot
                              | be free.--The Dhammapada

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 13:47:59 UTC