[closed] Re: LCWD comments from XML Query and XSL WGs

Andrew Eisenberg <andrew.eisenberg@us.ibm.com> writes:

> The XML Query and XSL WGs approved the following comments on the XProc 
> LCWD [1] at our meeting on Sept. 16:
> 1) Step XPath Context, minor technical
> Some of these items should specify that they are augmenting the values 
> provided by an implementation: Statically known namespaces, Default 
> element/type namespace, In-scope schema definitions, In-scope variables, 
> and Function signatures.
> An XPath implementation might provide some statically known namespaces, 
> for example, that are then augmented by those of p:namespaces, rather than 
> overwritten by them. 


> 2) 5.14 p:data, editorial
> Examples use p:file, rather than p:data.


> 3) 7.2.9 p:xquery, bulleted list beginning "The query port ...", editorial
> The 4th bullet does not recognize the third bullet. It should be changed 
> to "Otherwise, the interpretation of the query is implementation-defined."

Ok. Fixed.

> 4) 7.2.9 p:xquery, "The static context is augmented as follows:", minor 
> technical
> The static and dynamic context would be better stated independently of 
> section Step XPath Context. That section is written rather 
> narrowly. It does not, for example, allow namespaces known a priori to the 
> XQuery implementation. We suggest the following:
> The static context of the XQuery processor is augmented in the following 
> way:
> Statically known default collection type:       document()*
> Statically known namespaces:                    The namespace declarations 
> in-scope for the
>                                                 containing element or made 
> available through
>                                                 p:namespaces.
> The dynamic context used in evaluation the query is:
> Context item:           document provided by the source-node port
> Context position:       1
> Context size:           1
> Variable values:        The p:xquery parameters 
>                         augment the variable bindings of the XQuery 
> processor.
>                         The parameter values are passed to the XQuery 
> processor
>                         as values of type xs:untypedAtomic.
> Function implementations:       The function implementations provided by 
>                                 the XQuery processor.
> Current dateTime:       implementation-defined value
> Implicit timezone:      implementation-defined value
> Available documents:    implementation-dependent
> Available collections:  implementation-dependent
> Default collection:     sequence of documents provided by the source port

It's not clear to me how this is substantially different from relying
on reference to, but we're happy to change the XQuery section
to satisfy the XQuery WG. Fixed.

> 5) 7.2.9 p:xquery, an example would be useful, editorial
> Example:
> <p:pipeline xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc">
> <p:xinclude/>
> <p:validate-with-xml-schema>
>   <p:input port="schema">
>     <p:document href="http://example.com/path/to/schema.xsd"/>
>   </p:input>
> </p:validate-with-xml-schema>
> <p:query>
>    <p:input port="query">
>       <p:data href="file:countp.xq" />
>    </p:input>
>    <p:input port="source">
>       <p:pipe step="validate-with-xml-schema" port="result"/>
>    </p:input>
> </p:query>
> </p:pipeline>
> Where countp.xq contains the following:
> <count>{count(.//p)}</count>


We accepted all of your proposed changes, but if for some reason
you're unsatisfied with the result, please let us know. You can see
the changes now in the current editor's draft:


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | A man's dying is more the survivors'
http://nwalsh.com/            | affair than his own.--Thomas Mann

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 13:39:28 UTC