Re: p:data errors writes:

> Hi all,
> I think that we need an equivalent of err:XD0011 for p:data (or we can
> generalize XD0011 so that it can be used both for p:document and
> p:data).
> Also, there is no error for reporting fatal mismatches between the
> content-type/charset declared on p:data and the actual content.

It didn't seem convenient to reword D0011 so that it worked for both, so
I added D0029:

<para><error code="D0029">It is a <glossterm>dynamic error</glossterm>
if the document referenced by a <tag>p:data</tag> element does not
exist, cannot be accessed, or cannot be encoded as specified.</error>

That covers both cases, doesn't it?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Some people do their laundry in emacs,            | but I find typing ^C-^X-^W-q-L-TT to
                              | add the fabric softener to be a bit
                              | cumbersome.--

Received on Sunday, 9 November 2008 18:37:13 UTC