Re: Possible problems with unsupported steps writes:

> But I still think that S0044 should make it more clear that it is not
> only about the XProc schema...

I've added

   In particular, the presence of atomic steps for which there is no
   visible declaration may raise this error.

Does that help?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A life, admirable at first sight, may            | have cost so much in imposed
                              | liabilities, chores and self-abasement,
                              | that, brilliant though it appears, it
                              | cannot be considered other than a
                              | failure. Another, which seems to have
                              | misfired, is in reality a triumphant
                              | success, because it has cost so
                              | little.--Henry De Montherlant

Received on Sunday, 9 November 2008 18:26:40 UTC