RE: Default auth-method in p:http-request

> > If you specify username/password in c:request, but not 
> auth-method, what
> > should happen? I can see three possible options here:
> >
> > - p:http-request will use Basic authentication (I think that is what
> > Calabash does at the moment)
> > - p:http-request issues a normal (no authentication) request
> > - p:http-request fails ("you always have to specify an 
> authentication
> > method")
> I prefer the first or the last options, but I don't feel 
> strongly about it.
> Anyone think there's clearly only one correct answer? And, if 
> so, which
> is it? :-)

I think the spec should give one answer (no matter whether it is correct
:-), if only just to prevent interoperability issues. I ran into this
problem with the test suite, because Calabash implemented option one, I
believe, whereas we implemented option three. The result is that
Calabash executes the pipeline with no problems, but we fail.


Received on Friday, 7 November 2008 08:09:06 UTC