Re: Storing binary data writes:
> I know that XProc really is not aimed for handling binary data, but
> since we already have steps such as p:xsl-formatter that store binary
> content, and p:data/p:http-request for loading binary data into XProc,
> perhaps a binary equivalent of p:store (which would take a c:data
> wrapped content and store it as binary data) could be useful. But maybe
> not for V1.

It's an interesting point. XProc grew a fair bit of additional
"binary" support late in the day with p:data and the various
content-type options.

Given that you can load a PNG, it seems odd that you can't store it.

I suppose the simplest way to fix this problem would be to take
advantage of the media-type serialization option. It would (I think)
be conformant for an implementation to accept:

  <p:store content-type="image/png" href="my.png">
    <p:input port="source">
        <c:data content-type="image/png">BASE64ENCODEDDATA</c:data>

and write the decoded PNG data to my.png.

Does anyone think that's not conformant?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | There has never been an unexpectedly            | short debugging period in the history
                              | of computers.--Steven Levy

Received on Friday, 7 November 2008 01:36:47 UTC