[closed] Re: p:log feels clunky


The WG discussed your comment but isn't motivated to make any changes
at this time. Thank you for your comment.

/ James Fuller <james.fuller.2007@gmail.com> was heard to say:
| On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote:
|> / James Fuller <james.fuller.2007@gmail.com> was heard to say:
|> | it makes sense if what u want is to have a log of what happened at
|>  | that step and capture all input/output e.g. consider the trivial
|>  | example log output I generate from a declare-step with a
|>  | log="somefile.xml" attribute.
|>  |
|>  | <step name="mystep">
|>  |   <input port="">some xml that came in</input>
|>  |   <output port="">xml output of the step</input>
|>  | </step>
|>  |
|>  | I see this as a useful debugging output on <p:pipeline/>, <p:group/>,
|>  | try/catch, etc ...
|>  I'm sorry, Jim, but I don't follow that example at all. I don't see *any*
|>  log attribute or element there, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
| I am not being clear
| take the following log attribute being set on a step,
| <p:identity name="mystep" log="test.log"/>
| might generate some trace/log information as xml
| <log>
| <step xproc:defaultname="!1:mystep" name="mystep">
|    <input port="">some xml that came in</input>
|    <output port="">xml output of the step</input>
| </step>
| </log>
|>  | keeping the log format XML I think is useful as
|>  | well.
|>  I don't think we want to say anything about the format, especially since
|>  I don't want to attempt to solve the "how do you represent a sequence of
|>  documents" question.
| fair enough point .... most of the issues that I am bringing up now
| have to do with some experience through implementation .... having an
| 'out of band' trace/log becomes very useful in debugging xproc
| pipelines ... just a little concerned that there are still a few
| 'cowpaths' that will eventually need paving in current xproc draft.
| cheers, Jim

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The last act is bloody, however fine
http://nwalsh.com/            | the rest of the play. They throw earth
                              | over your head and it is finished for
                              | ever.-- Pascal

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2008 14:02:26 UTC