- From: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 14:08:41 -0400
- To: public-xml-processing-model-comments@w3.org
- CC: Michael Kay <mike@saxonica.com>
- Message-ID: <m23an1e6ae.fsf@nwalsh.com>
[ For some reason I never received this, though it does appear in the archives.] > Michael Kay wrote: > (ACTION A-369-03) > > I was asked to convey the XQuery WGs comments on the XProc specification, > and in particular on the mechanism for invoking XQuery from XProc. > (Formally, these are comments from the joint XQuery/XSL WGs, but the XSL WG > had already made its own comments on the parts of the spec relevant to XSLT > - at any rate, on a previous draft.) > > The comment is in two parts: (a) an email from Andrew Eisenberg, and (b) my > summary of the WGs discussion of that email and other observations. > > First, Andrew's email, which the WG largely endorsed: > > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2008Jun/0000.html Unfortunately, this message is in a member-only archive and our WG operates in public. I have replied privately to Andrew with my thoughts asking him to please publish that message to the public comments list. > We noted that Andrew is proposing to make it an error if the query returns > anything other than document nodes (presumably representing well-formed XML) > or element nodes. An alternative would be to allow the query to return other > values (for example, the integer 17) and turn these into XML documents by > some defined wrapping process. I don't feel strongly about it. Feedback from the XQuery WG on what they believe is the right answer would be appreciated. > The other observation made in discussion was about the requirement for the > pipeline to be able to generate a query that is then executed. I think this > is a common scenario, for example a pipeline might start with an XForms > instance representing user input from a browser form, and use XSLT or XQuery > to translate this instance into an XQuery which is then executed against an > XML database. The fact that the only things that can flow between steps in a > pipeline are XML documents, but an XQuery is not an XML document, clearly > makes this difficult. XQueryX might provide some kind of solution, but it is > not exactly an easy format for user applications to generate. The current > solution in the spec is to construct a query as text, and then wrap this in > a c:query element: the need for double-escaping is likely to make this very > error-prone, especially as XQuery's escape conventions are by design very > similar to those of XML. Personally, I think that because a large subset of > queries are in fact well-formed XML, we ought to be able to define some kind > of subset of XQuery that acknowledges this subset of the language and allows > it to be passed around directly (I think Orbeon does something like this > today). But that goes well beyond anything the WG has discussed. I think our spec may be misleading on this point. I had imagined that c:query was a wrapper around some well-formed XML. So you might write: <c:query> default element namespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <html> <head> <title>Dumb query</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> </c:query> Is it really the case that there are queries which aren't well-formed XML? And can we just not support them, or are they common? Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Some people do their laundry in emacs, http://nwalsh.com/ | but I find typing ^C-^X-^W-q-L-TT to | add the fabric softener to be a bit | cumbersome.-- rlr@panix.com
Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 18:09:19 UTC