[closed] Re: 2.6.1 editorial

"Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@gmail.com> writes:

> XProc processors that support only XPath 1.0 do not support any types
> (or features) beyond those described in [XPath 1.0]. They use the
> XPath 1.0 data model. Processors must implement all of the XPath 1.0
> functions, but are not *expect" to implement the functions described
> in [XSLT 1.0].
> suggest
> XProc processors that support only XPath 1.0 do not support any types
> (or features) beyond those described in [XPath 1.0]. They use the
> XPath 1.0 data model. Processors must implement all of the XPath 1.0
> functions, but are not expected to implement the functions described
> in [XSLT 1.0].

You already suggested that clarification, Dave :-)

> Question.
> Is error XD0023 used when an xpath 2.0 expression is met by an
> implementation which uses 1.0?

If you don't declare that XPath 2.0 is required, then you get whatever
an XPath 1.0 interpreter makes of the expression. If it isn't a valid
XPath 1.0 expression, then you get err:XD0023.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Creativity is allowing yourself to make
http://nwalsh.com/            | mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to
                              | keep.--Scott Adams

Received on Monday, 15 December 2008 03:11:26 UTC