RE: exclude-inline-prefixes - #default

> >> But...  The test exclude-inline-prefixes-003 expects a different
> >> behavior:
> >>
> >>  <p:identity>
> >>     <p:input port="source" xmlns="">
> >>       <p:inline 
> exclude-inline-prefixes="#default"><doc/></p:inline>
> >>     </p:input>
> >>  </p:identity>
> >>
> >> The test is expected to return: <doc/>. That is, it 
> "lifts" the document
> >> from the default namespace.
> >>
> >> Is this really what #default means?
> >
> Yes it is
> see XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 spec on that point
> [[
> The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be designated as an
> excluded namespace by including #default in the list of namespace
> prefixes. The designation of a namespace as an excluded namespace is
> effective within the subtree of the stylesheet rooted at the element
> bearing the exclude-result-prefixes or xsl:exclude-result-prefixes
> attribute; a subtree rooted at an xsl:stylesheet element does not
> include any stylesheets imported or included by children of that
> xsl:stylesheet element.
> ]]

Well, I also looked up this in the XSLT spec, but after reading it, I
felt I knew exactly the same (or even less?) than before... I still
don't see what should happen with the default namespace. But maybe it is
just me...


Received on Friday, 12 December 2008 08:14:52 UTC