- From: David A. Lee <dlee@calldei.com>
- Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 08:39:58 -0500
- To: <public-xml-processing-model-comments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <F15CE08DBDCD4EEF9776C2F0FEF3ACAF@calldei.com>
I would like to formally object to the following sections of the XProc: An XML Pipeline Language specification, W3C Candidate Recommendation 26 November 2008 Sec 5.7.3 p:with-option Sec 5.7.4 p:with-param The objection is to the default binding of the context for the select= attributes, which in these sections are defined to be the default readable port. I propose that the default binding should be <p:empty/> unless explicitly bound. A summary of my objection is that in my opinion, as a implementer of the xproc standard, that this prevents a conforming xproc implementation from potentially streaming through any action that uses any parameters or options specified with p:with-option and p:with-param because the processor would have to collect (fork and buffer) the input for use by the select attribute prior to starting the action, even if the xpath expression did not reference any context. In my opinion, the advantage to the user for this convenience is far outweighed by the cost to the implementation. In fact the current test suites do not have a single case where the context is actually used. By coding this into the specs it is placing an extreme burden onto future implementations and onto the potential performance of any future implementations, with , in my opinion, little or no value to xproc pipeline authors. In my implementation of xproc I intend on not implementing this portion of the spec due to these concerns. Note there was an alternative suggested for implementers, which is performing full static analysis of the xpath option to determine if a context is referenced. I suggest this is an undue amount of effort required for implementers of this specification, considering a goal of the spec is to allow implementations to reuse existing standard libraries which do not have this capability. A simple change to the spec would eliminate this burden while not having a significant impact on usefulness to pipeline authors. Please refer to threaded discussions in the XProc mailing list http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xproc-dev/2008Nov/0055.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xproc-dev/2008Dec/0011.html Thank You. ----------------------------------------------------------- David A. Lee, President DEI Services Inc. dlee@calldei.com http://www.calldei.com http://www.xmlsh.org ---------------------------------------- David A. Lee Senior member of the technical staff Epocrates, Inc. dlee@epocrates.com ------------------------------------------------ David A. Lee CTO Nexstra, Inc. dlee@nexstra.com www.nexstra.com
Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 13:40:34 UTC