Re: An unfulfilled requirement maybe?

/ Norman Walsh <> was heard to say:
| Here's an example, btw:
| <p:pipeline name="main"
|             xmlns:p=""
| 	    xmlns:px=""
|             xmlns:c=""
|             xmlns:err="">
| <p:input port="source">
|   <p:inline>
|     <doc>
|       <p>para</p>
|     </doc>
|   </p:inline>
| </p:input>
| <p:output port="result"/>
| <px:exec name="exec" command="head" args="/Users/ndw/.bashrc">
|   <p:input port="stdin">
|     <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/>
|   </p:input>
| </px:exec>
| </p:pipeline>

On reflection, this is a slightly odd example. The serialized input
document is passed to 'head' but head ignores it. I had been using 'cat'
in some earlier testing :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything should be made as simple as            | possible, but no simpler.

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2007 17:58:51 UTC