Re: XML Pipelines in Enterprise Integration?

On 8/9/07, Ramkumar Menon <
rprise%20Integration%3F&In-Reply-To=%253C22bb8a4e0709122229g4dbe6b90n2907e0a> > wrote:
> Gurus,
> I am relatively new to the notion of XML Pipelines.
> I wish to know how XML Pipelines could be useful in integration
> technologies like BPEL or ESB.
> Could someone shed some light on this ?
> regards,
> Ram
> --
> Shift to the left, shift to the right!
> Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!
> -Ramkumar Menon
>  A typical Macroprocessor

>From what I gather from the WG's mailing list, there isn't anything in XProc
1.0 to implement SOA or the like, and there probably isn't going to be (in
version 1.0 at least), mostly due to a lack of clear vision about it.


I mean, how exactly to combine everything web services and other SOA
languages can do in a single markup language? Do you have any ideas about
how it should be done? How exactly do you do it in server side scripting
languages today and how would you translate that into markup that will be
consistent enough with what XProc already is?



Vasil Rangelov


Received on Thursday, 13 September 2007 07:35:25 UTC