Re: Comments from the XSLT WG on the XProc Last Call Document

> The *intention* is that if an input gets used twice, as in the above 
> example, then the XProc processor should detect that and create an 
> implicit tee: the input document is essentially duplicated, and both 
> steps that take it as an input receive the full document (as a 
> sequence of events, we'd hope, in this case).
> I agree we need to actually say this, probably in Section 2.6 
> (Connections).
Much appreciated.

How about second half of the question: how steps from 
independent/parallel branches are to be evaluated?

> If you want to point us to the use cases that you're concerned about, 
> we can probably isolate the areas where we need to clarify things.
I'll come to that in some of next emails.


Received on Monday, 29 October 2007 14:34:17 UTC