RE: http-request dynamic error if not c:http-request?

If the WG later (in a future version) happens to decide to support
additional steps that perform requests on protocols other then HTTP (for
example - FTP, telnet, etc.), having all elements named c:request might
create some confusion.

On the other hand, if the whole role of p:http-request is standardized to a
point where it can perform requests on various protocols, then it's only
logical to rename both the step (to p:web-request) and it's c:* elements (to
c:request and c:response).

So, if p:http-request remains to perform requests ONLY on the HTTP protocol
(regardless of the schemes), then I think no. It's OK now.

As for the dynamic error - yes. I'm wondering why you ask (and I'm even more
wondering how hasn't anyone noticed that such sort error is missing until
now :D).

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Norman Walsh
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:12 PM
Subject: p:http-request dynamic error if not c:http-request?

Is it a dynamic error if the document that arrives on the source port of
p:http-request is not a c:http-request?

Also, wouldn't it be sufficient to name the documents c:request and
c:response. Surely the http part is really irrelevant there?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Music is the only language in which you            | cannot say a mean or sarcastic
                              | thing.--John Erskine

Received on Sunday, 14 October 2007 21:22:45 UTC