Re: dynamic error err:XD0011 and p:document

/ James Fuller <> was heard to say:
| 5.13 p:document
| 'It is a dynamic error (err:XD0011) if the document referenced by a
| p:document element does not exist, cannot be accessed, or is not a
| well-formed XML document.'
| should err:XD0011 be expanded to include
| large documents or time out situations ?

If you mean that a large document might cause an out-of-memory error
or something, I don't think we need to address that. That's a bug in
the implementation :-)

How is a time out different from any other kind of inaccessibility?

| should we make a difference between 'cannot be accessed' and 'do not
| have access rights' ?

I don't think so. The security-conscious will probably tell us that
doing so would be revealing information that might be better kept

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The Future is something which everyone            | reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an
                              | hour, whatever he does, whoever he
                              | is.--C. S. Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 14:12:46 UTC