Re: http and https in p:http-request

/ Vasil Rangelov <> was heard to say:
| In that case, the name http-request may become misleading,

I suppose. We could make it p:web-request or something, I suppose.

| though I guess
| that's not a big deal if the HTTP and/or HTTPS schemes are required, so I
| personally support this move.

You support allowing ical: or you support requiring http:/https:? I can't
tell which you mean.

| BTW, with or without this change
| ====
| It is a dynamic error (err:XC0021) if the scheme of the href attribute is
| not "http" or "https".
| ====
| Should probably be reworded to something like
| ====
| It is a dynamic error (err:XC0021) if the scheme of the resolved URI of the
| href attribute is not supported by the implementation.
| ====
| Because the value of the "href" attribute can be relative, as specified
| below that, in which case it won't have a scheme. Also, saying '"http" or
| "https"' implies HTTPS is required. Why should it be?

I agree. Even if we keep the restriction, support for https: must be optional.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | What is familiar is what we are used            | to; and what we are used to is most
                              | difficult to 'Know'--that is, to see as
                              | a problem; that is, to see as strange,
                              | as distant, as 'outside us'.-- Nietzsche

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 14:01:53 UTC