Re: Multiple imports

>Suppose that you import pipeline "ex:one" and it imports library
>"library.xml" and, separately, you import pipeline "ex:two" and it
>also imports library "library.xml"

>As currently specified in 5.10, I believe that raises an error. Should
>we give implementations the freedom to load external libraries only
>once? Or perhaps not raise an error if the same step type is declared

It's essential to be able to import pipelines or libraries that import
common pipelines or libraries, since otherwise it would be impossible
to use other people's libraries unmodified.

On the other hand I don't want us to have to compare declarations and
especially pipelines.

A simple solution would be to say that you don't import again from
URLs that you've already imported from.  This wouldn't help libraries
that refer to a local copy of another library, though.

-- Richard

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 17:53:07 UTC