Properties of an implicit output port

In private email, I was asked:

| 4.1 In some cases, compound steps can contain implicit primary output
| ("result") that is created when the compound has no declared output step
| and the last step of the subpipeline has an unbound primary output (spec
| section 2.3). How does a declaration of this primary output look like?
| In our implementation, the implicit primary output always accept
| sequences of documents (sequence="true")

I replied:

I think that needs to be made more clear. I think it should inherit
the properties of the output declaration on the last step. So if the
last step produces a sequence, then so does it, but not otherwise.

Anyone disagree?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A life, admirable at first sight, may            | have cost so much in imposed
                              | liabilities, chores and self-abasement,
                              | that, brilliant though it appears, it
                              | cannot be considered other than a
                              | failure. Another, which seems to have
                              | misfired, is in reality a triumphant
                              | success, because it has cost so
                              | little.--Henry De Montherlant

Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 13:33:07 UTC