[closed] Re: typo in 3.4 Associating Documents with Ports

Fixed, thanks.

/ James Fuller <james.fuller.2007@gmail.com> was heard to say:
| in section
| 3.4 Associating Documents with Ports
| ---- snip -----
|     In this example, the "document" input to the p:xinclude step named
| "expand" comes from the "result" port of the step named "otherstep".
|     <p:xinclude name="expand">
|       <p:input port="source">
|         <p:pipe step="otherstep" port="result"/>
|       </p:input>
|     </p:xinclude>
| ---- snip -----
| there is no 'document' step, either change the p:input port or the text.
| cheers, Jim Fuller

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | A life, admirable at first sight, may
http://nwalsh.com/            | have cost so much in imposed
                              | liabilities, chores and self-abasement,
                              | that, brilliant though it appears, it
                              | cannot be considered other than a
                              | failure. Another, which seems to have
                              | misfired, is in reality a triumphant
                              | success, because it has cost so
                              | little.--Henry De Montherlant

Received on Monday, 26 November 2007 17:39:45 UTC