RE: First WD of xml:id Requirements Document


Thank you (and XML Core WG) for taking this on. 

R06 and R08 speak of conversion of existing document,DTDs and schemas to use
the solution being simple and straightforward. 

I wondered whether the group had discussed the interpretation/processing of
unconverted documents, schema and DTDs - eg.. "Rxx: Deployment of the
solution should/must not result in changes in the application of IDness to
constructs arising from unconverted DTDs, schema or documents."

This may be covered by R05, although I wasn't sure whether its scope covers
'legacy' documents, DTDs and schema. Doesn't say that it doesn't so may be
it does.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Grosso [] 
> Sent: 6 August 2003 23:27
> To:
> Subject: First WD of xml:id Requirements Document
> The XML Core WG has just published its first WD of
> a Requirements Document for xml:id.  It can be found at:

The XML Core WG welcomes comments.  We plan to start work immediately on
drafting a simple specification to support 
our requirements for xml:id.

Since XML 1.0, the ability of processors to identify an XML element by an 
explicit identifier ("IDness") has depended upon validation. Both DTDs and 
[XML Schema] have mechanisms to identify the structures containing unique 
identifiers. But neither XML Schema nor DTDs are required by all processors.

A common processor type does not perform validation, nor fetch external 
resources for the purpose of acertaining whether the document contains 
unique identifiers.

This document sets out the requirements for a mechanism for determining 
"IDness" applicable to all classes of XML processors.

Status of this Document
This document is a working draft prepared by the W3C XML Core Working Group 
as part of the XML Activity. As a first draft, it does not necessarily 
represent a consensus of the members of the XML Core WG.

By publishing this draft, the XML Core WG requests comments from interested 
parties. Comments should be sent to, which is an 
automatically and publicly archived email list.

Paul Grosso, Arnaud Le Hors
Co-chairs, XML Core WG 

Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 07:33:32 UTC