Re: David's less simple example

While schema information may provide interesting additions it will also 
complicate things a lot.
I think we should stay with a a simple, no schema aware algorithm.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 2/28/12 9:02 PM, Derek Read wrote:
> Strongly agree: "I suspect that a XML version of fixup cannot do nearly
> as well as HTML5 without a schema."
> I think if we agree on that then the spec will basically fork at this
> juncture:
> 1) When a schema is available the following assumptions and logic can be
> followed...
> 2) When a document is well-formed (no schema available) the following
> /different/ logic applies...
> Derek Read
> Program Manager, XMetaL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Lee []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:56 AM
> To: Jeni Tennison; David Carlisle
> Cc: Community Group
> Subject: RE: David's less simple example
>> I am told that, similarly, MarkLogic (and I assume other ingesters)
> perform
>> fixup (in their case based on the DTD/schema for the XML). I know that
> John
>> Cowan has similarly worked on similar algorithms in the past.
> I'd like to comment on the above assumption about MarkLogic but probably
> shouldn't ...
> But ...
> I suggest that a primary reason that HTML5 and Tidy etc. can do as good
> a job as they do is precisely because they have the equivalent of a
> schema.  So they 'know' that say<br>  should be<br/>  and other such
> niceties.    I suspect that a XML version of fixup cannot do nearly as
> well as HTML5 without a schema.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> David Lee
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 650-287-2531
> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
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Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 19:34:47 UTC