Re: error recovery

On 20/02/2012 11:38, John Snelson wrote:
 > I think we can easily say "a warning is reported", where the
 > implementation gets to define how a warning is reported. No API
 > design needed here.
 > John

Yes we could, although I thought that the tendency these days (more so
than when xml 1.0 was spec'd) is to either make testable assertions or
say nothing. Whether a warning reported on some unspecified channel is
testable depends a bit on your definition of testable. But no real
disagreement there, the main thing we'd need to decide is whether the
warnings have to cover all the cases where the input is not well formed
XML. I think that might be too much of a constraint at this stage. If
the end result is that that is supported, that's good, but I don't think
we should commit to that as a requirement which is, I think, what Liam
was suggesting.


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