Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2016 April 27

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday,
April 27, from
08:30-09:00 Pacific time aka
11:30-12:00 Eastern time aka
15:30-16:00 UTC
16:30-17:00 in Ireland and the UK
17:30-18:00 in middle (most of) Europe

We are now using Webex for our conferences. See

You can join by phone by dialing +1-617-324-0000 directly and
using an access code of 643 434 633#.

You can also use the Webex client (and have it call you)
by pointing your browser at

We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information. If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.

1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

2. Miscellaneous administrivia and document reviews. (None.)

3. XInclude 1.1--see

On 2015 June 30, we published our second XInclude 1.1 CR at

Norm has an implementation in XML Calabash.
He has also implemented XInclude 1.1 in MarkLogic.

Jirka reports that there is another XInclude 1.1 implementation
in XML Mind XML Editor.  See:

Norm has made some updates to the test suite per

Norm has augmented the test suite some more:

ACTION to Norm:  Send email about the test suite to those who
should be using it to test their implementations.

Note also the desire for another test case for the XInclude test suite per

ACTION to Norm:  Add another test case to the test suite per

ACTION to Jirka:  Run the XML Mind XML Editor through the new test suite.

ACTION to Norm: (Continue to) run the test suite through Calabash and 

ACTION to Norm:  Update the implementation report.

In working on the test suite and spec, Norm sent several emails
that require WG input.  I have made a comment on the first two
already, and I am taking the chair's prerogative to assign:

ACTION to Henry, John: Respond to Norms's emails on XInclude, to wit:

* Proposed changes to XInlude test suite

* Clarify that fragid support is optional when parse=text

* Language fixup and the expected results of test eduni-3

* Rework XInclude tests to use xml:id attributes?


Paul raised the question of whether the spec requires
the support for RFC 5147. It isn't mentioned under
Application Conformance, but the description of fragid,
it says "for text processing, [the fragid value] is
interpreted as a [IETF RFC 5147] fragment identifier"
and it doesn't discuss what to do if an implementation
doesn't support that.

Norm suggests that we can't force implementations to
support it and that we should clarify the spec to say
that lack of support for fragid when parse=text
should be a recoverable error.

Henry and Paul agree with that suggestion.

ACTION to Norm:  Update the spec to clarify that lack
of support for fragid when parse=text should be a
recoverable error.



Received on Monday, 25 April 2016 15:13:16 UTC